Do you have a healthy weight?
Discover with our calculator if you are overweight, normal weight or underweight.
Having a healthy weight is essential to maintain a good state of general health and prevent diseases.
Check with our Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator if your body weight is within normal limits.
The BMI measures the relationship between a person's weight and height and can be a Indicative of the health status of a person.
Body mass index |
Classification |
< 16.00 |
Infrapeso: Severe Thinness |
16.00 - 16.99 |
Infrapeso: Moderate thinness |
17.00 - 18.49 |
Infrapeso: Acceptable thinness |
18.50 - 24.99 |
Normal weight |
25.00 - 29.99 |
Overweight |
30.00 - 34.99 |
Obese: Type I |
35.00 - 40.00 |
Obese: Type II |
>40.00 |
Obese: Type III |