Meeting: 916 616 288

My patients

                       These are our queries
Terica Uriol, Infant feeding
Infant feeding

In our clinic we teach the healthiest eating habits so that your children grow healthy and happy.

Terica Uriol, Third Age
Third Age

We value your pathologies and nutritional status and create the healthy diet that benefits you the most.

Terica Uriol, Overweight and obesity
Overweight and obesity
Achieve your ideal body without pills and without starving eating healthy and balanced.

Terica Uriol, Pregnant

We control your weight covering the nutritional needs of you and the baby.

Terica Uriol, Athletes

We adapt your diet to the sport you practice to improve your strength, strength and increase your performance.

Terica Uriol, School canteen
Menus for collectivities

We are a specialist in the preparation of nursery menus, school canteens and geriatrics. We propose the right dishes for every day.